2015-16 West London Minor Midget MD Team Final Roster, News, Minor Midget, 2015-2016, MD (West London Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 17, 2015 | DDrummond | 1421 views
2015-16 West London Minor Midget MD Team Final Roster
Please join me in congratulations the following players who have been selected to represent the West London Hawks Minor Midget MD Team for the 2015-16 season:

Owen Stevenson
Joey Conners

Stephen Robinson
Josh Whiteside
Brian Stachura
Ryan Martin
Will Martindale
Taylor Pitchell

Cody Hale
Matt Kipping
Justin Woelfle
Evan Scott
Virgil Vandelaar
Charlie Johnston
Ryan Drummond
Lukas Graage
Keegan Arnold