A Close Final, News, Minor Novice - White (2006), 2013-2014, MD (West London Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 17, 2013 | BLanders | 617 views
A Close Final
Hawks lose a close one against Norwich in the West Lorne Final.

Once again after finding themselves down 2 goals early, the West London Minor Novice White MD team came clawing back to tie up the game 2-2.  With 3 minutes left in the game a shot that went off two skates somehow found the back of the net and the Hawks found themselves down once again.  And once again they did not give up.  They came storming back trying to tie up the game but unfortunately they came upon a very strong goalie and the puck just would not go in this time.

Great effort everyone and good luck in the next tournament in Burlington!