Another Great Weekend, News, Minor Novice - White (2006), 2013-2014, MD (West London Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 02, 2014 | BLanders | 797 views
Another Great Weekend
Congratulations to the West London Minor Hawks White team for making it to their 3rd tournament final of the season.

After a slow start on Friday morning the West London Minor Novice White team has been playing some of their best hockey of the season, defeating two local rivals and a team from Barrie to make it to their 3rd tournament final of the season.  Congratulations team and good luck in the finals agains another arch rival, the London Bandits.  This is a great kick-off to the upcoming playoffs.  Great work everyone!
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